- 16財經法律系「做中學」 「中小學法治教育」 Department of Economic and Financial Law Offers School Children Basic Legal Education through Learning by Doing
- 17僑光科技大學創新教學 展現數位新科技 OCU Creative Teaching Presents Digital New Technology
- 18國際研討會 僑光發表物聯網論文 OCU Teams Present Research Results at EAI SGIoT 2021 - 5th EAI International Conference on Smart Grid and Internet of Things
- 19數位會展與觀光餐旅永續發展 e-Convention Brings Sustainable Development to the Hospitality Industry
- 20全國技能競賽 僑光金風光 OCU Student Wins Gold Medal in National Skills Competition
- 21生活創意設計系鏈結製鞋產業 持續展現人才培育成果 Department of Innovative Living Design Links with Footwear Manufacturing Industry to Cultivate Talents Sustainably
- 222022 ROBO COM服務型機器人創意實證競賽榮獲最佳人氣獎 OCU Students Win the Best Popularity Award at 2022 ROBO COM Service Robot Creativity Contest
- 23發揮僑光精神、賽場勇奪佳績 Showcasing Spirit of OCU, Winning Medals on Sporting Fields
- 24僑光科技大學王柏婷、李俊昱同學 榮獲111年度嘉新獎學金 OCU Students Win 2022 Chia Hsin Scholarship
- 252022社團領袖精進研習營 董事長致詞 OCU Board Chairman Addresses at the 2022 Student Leaders Training Camp
- 262022年校園徵才暨實習博覽會 董事長致詞 OCU Board Chairman’s Speech at 2022 Intern and Job Fair
- 272022年校園徵才暨實習博覽會 校長致詞 OCU President Gives Speech at 2022 Intern and Job Fair
- 28僑光科大設AI培訓中心 智泰科技慨贈AI軟體 攜手育才 OCU Collaborates with Smart Inspection to Build an AI Training Center for Nurturing Talents
- 292022僑光第七屆學生校外實習課程 實習成果報告競賽頒獎典禮 Award Ceremony for Reports on 2022 Internship Training Performance Competition
- 30惜食送暖 僑光科大送麵包關懷弱勢 OCU Shows Its Care and Love by Donating Bread to the Needed
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