- 1215 期校刊下載
- 2本期封面
- 358週年校慶運動會董事長致詞 Chairman Benjamin Po Tao Chen’s Address at the 58h OCU Track & Field Day Opening Ceremony
- 4第五屆潮創客大賽董事長致詞 Chairman Benjamin Po Tao Chen Speaks at the 5th Annual Innovation Competition Funded by Overseas Swatownese Businessmen
- 5第五屆潮創客大賽教育部技職司司長致詞 Director General of the Department of Technological and Vocational Education MOE Speaks at the 5th Annual Innovation Competition
- 6第五屆潮創客大賽校長致詞 OCU President Speaks at the 5th Annual Innovation Competition
- 7第五屆潮創客大賽李南賢主席致詞 Committee Chairman Li Speaks at the 5th Annual Innovation Competition
- 8第五屆潮創客大賽 各路高手決戰僑光 Talented Makers Swarm into the 5th Annual Innovation Competition
- 9111學年度績優獎學金頒獎典禮董事長致詞 Chairman Chen Addresses at the 2022 Scholarship Awarding Ceremony
- 10111學年度績優獎學金頒獎典禮校長致詞 OCU President speaks at the 2022 Scholarship Awarding Ceremony
- 11富邦人壽勇士系際冠軍盃 僑光行流二度稱霸
- 12僑光科大籃球隊再奪金盃/台中電競賽 僑光科大黑鯊摘銀
- 132022台北IIIC國際發明展 僑光科大參賽作品全數得獎 All OCU Entries Win Medals at the 2022 IIIC International Innovation and Invention Competition
- 142022全英文感恩節活動董事長致詞 Chairman Benjamin Po Tao Chen’s Address at the 2022 Thanksgiving All English Party
- 152022全英文感恩節活動校長致詞 President Yu’s Address at the 2022 Thanksgiving All English Party
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