- 1本期下載
- 2本期封面
- 32023年畢業典禮 董事長致詞 Board Chairman Benjamin Po Tao’s Address at the 2023 OCU Commencement
- 42023年畢業典禮 校長致詞 President Yu’s Address at the 2023 OCU Commencement
- 52023年畢業典禮 來賓致詞 The Honor Guest Speaks at the 2023 OCU Commencement
- 62023年畢業典禮 畢業生致詞 2023 OCU Graduation Ceremony Speech by Graduates
- 7第五屆全國高中職新農行銷業實作競賽 董事長致詞 OCU Board Chairman’s Speech at 2023 New Agriculture Marketing Competition
- 8第五屆全國高中職新農行銷業實作競賽 教育部技職司司長致詞 Director General of Department of Technological and Vocational Education, MOE speaks at 2023 New Agriculture Marketing Competition
- 9第五屆全國高中職新農行銷業實作競賽校長致詞 OCU President Gives Speech at 2023 New Agriculture Marketing Competition
- 10僑光科技大學舉辦新農業行銷競賽 結合高職實作精神翻轉農業創造多贏 OCU Hosts New Agricultural Marketing Competition in Connection with Vocational High School Teams to Practically Creating Win-Win Situation for Farmers and Students
- 11大專校院首例 僑光科大取得5G專網執照 First Instance in Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan - Overseas Chinese University Attains 5G Network License
- 122023年跨域新零售培力暨創新創業競賽 董事長致詞 Board Chairman Chen Addresses at the 2023 Interdisciplinary eRetail Cultivation and Innovative Entrepreneurship Competition
- 132023年跨科技數位新零售成果展暨創意市集 校長致詞 OCU President Speaks at 2023 Exhibition of Interdisciplinary Technologies e-Retailing and Creative Bazaar
- 14僑光科大新零售服務科技成果展 OCU Showcases Its eRetail Service Technology Exhibition
- 15僑光科大創新教學 展現數位新科技 OCU’s Innovative Teaching Presents Digital Technology