- 1本期下載
- 2本期封面
- 359週年校慶 董事長致詞 Chairman Benjamin Po Tao Chen’s Address at the 59th OCU Anniversary
- 459週年校慶 校長致詞 OCU President’s Address at the 59th Anniversary Ceremony
- 5第6屆潮創客大賽頒獎典禮 教育部技職司司長致詞 Director General of the Department of Technological and Vocational Education MOE Addresses at the 6th Annual Innovation Competition
- 6第6屆潮創客大賽頒獎典禮 董事長致詞 Chairman Benjamin Po Tao Chen’s Address at the 6th Annual Innovation Competition Funded by Overseas Swatownese Businessmen
- 7第6屆潮創客大賽頒獎典禮 校長致詞 OCU President Addresses at the 6th Annual Innovation Competition
- 8第6屆潮創客大賽頒獎典禮 李南賢執行主席致詞 Committee Chairman Li’s Address at the 6th Annual Innovation Competition
- 9創客高手齊聚僑光科大 潮汕同鄉會鼓勵年輕人創業 Innovators Gather at OCU: Teochew Shantow Association Encourages Young Entrepreneurs
- 1059週年校慶運動會 董事長致詞 Chairman Benjamin Po Tao Chen’s Address at the 59h OCU Track & Field Day Opening Ceremony
- 11數位發展部訪視「元宇宙機械模擬訓練平台」 部長致詞 Digital Development Minister's Address at the Visit to the Metaverse Mechanical Simulation Training Platform
- 12數位部長唐鳳訪僑光科大 體驗全國大學第一取得5G專網示範場域專業職能訓練成果 Digital Development Minister Audrey Tang Visits OCU and Experiences Achievements in the First Professional Training Demonstration Field of 5G Private Networks among all Universities in Taiwan
- 13數位發展部訪視「元宇宙機械模擬訓練平台」 董事長致詞/校長致詞
- 14僑光科大USR攜手苑裡業者 展現數位新科技 OCU's USR Program Collaborates with Businesses in Yuanli, Showcasing New Digital Technology
- 152023年僑光盃青年培力暨四創競賽 董事長致詞 Board Chairman's Address at the 2023 OCU Cup of Youth Empowerment and Innovation Competition